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What Is DAO in Crypto? | DAO Explained | Decentralized Autonomous Organization


Finn is part of the management team in an MNC,


he has come up with some profitable investment policies for his company and his employees.


Before its implementation he needs to pitch his idea in front of the board of directors,


but the board of directors didn't approve of his idea and that too without any explanation for their decision.


Disappointed by this he started browsing the internet,


looking for a solution that could benefit everyone, 


where every member gets to have their say and that is when he came across the concept of dao,


which is a decentralized organization that is collectively owned by its members,


wherein decisions are voted upon by themselves which runs on blockchain technology,


but to understand its concept in depth.


we went to his friend sam who is a blockchain expert,


finn explained to him his situation,


how he came across the dow and why he wants to know more about it,


on realizing his excitement and curiosity sam decided to take him through the dow and how it functions,




Let's understand a bit about what blockchain?


Blockchain is a system of storing data that makes it difficult or impossible to change hack or manipulate the data,


It's basically a digital log of transactions that are duplicated and spread across the blockchain's whole network of computers,


the DAO is something that makes use of its rules and policies for its proper functioning,


he further added a DAO or decentralized economist organization is a blockchain based organization that is collectively owned and controlled by its members,


they have built in resources that no one can access without the group's permission,


all proposals are implemented using voting processes to make decisions upon,


its rules and policies ensuring that everyone in the organization gets a say this whole system majorly runs on ethereum blockchain,


Further added that back in 2016 the developers of the dow believe that by putting decision-making power,


in the hands of automated technology that will eliminate the decision-making power driven by an individual or by body,


it was created to allow investors to send money anonymously from anywhere globally,


they would issue tokens to those owners.


letting them vote on potential initiatives or proposals.


fin was fascinated and asked sam how exactly,


it works and how this can be the solution for his situation,


sam explained basically smart contracts are the backbone of doubt,


smart contracts are programs that run when certain conditions are met and are stored on a blockchain.


Step 1


when the documentation of the idea takes place in the similar way in doubt,


a group of people write these smart contracts to administer the organization.


contract goes live on the ethereum network,


changes to its rules can be proposed only by voting,


the contract automatically fails if the rules are violated.


Step 2


Which is a funding period in which pitching of ideas takes place in front of the selected members and investors of the organization.


similarly people in the DAO organization contribute money to the DAO by purchasing tokens that signify their membership in the organization.


when the funding period ends it proceeds to next step


Step 3


When the approval and implementation process of the idea takes place or say the dow starts to operate,


people can now make proposals to the DAO on how to spend the money and how the members can vote to approve those proposals,


this is how the first ever dow was launched by slockett,


What led the dow towards criticism?


this is due to the infamous dow hack,


Back in june 2016 hackers used dow's vulnerabilities to assault its treasury,


the hackers were able to gain access to 3.6 million ethereum valued around 50 million dollars.


This sparked a divisive debate among DAO Investors,


with some demanding for the DAO to be permanently dismantled,


initially vitalik buterin the founder of ethereum advocated a soft fork of the ethereum network,


which included a piece of code that would effectively blacklist the attacker and prohibit them from moving the stolen cache,


but soon after the problem was detected in its code putting it vulnerable to assault,


after great debate a second alternative a hard fork was suggested and subsequently implemented,


the hard fork effectively reset the ethereum network's history and move the dal's ether to a different smart


contract, allowing investors to withdraw their assets.


as a result of the hard fork two competing and now distinct ethereum blockchains emerged,


those who opposed the hardport which wiped back the blockchain's history backed the soft fork version which is now known as ethereum classic etc,


the ethereum blockchain is the blockchain that implemented the hard fork changing the blockchain's history.




The dao breach and related ethereum hard fork shook the ethereum community and raised serious concerns about the developing platform.


In hindsight vitalik buterin ethereum developers and the global community made decisions that ensured the ethereum blockchain survival in its early days,


since the DAO attack ethereum has increased in importance as a foundation of blockchain cryptocurrency and decentralized finance,


this occurrence i believe heralds the start of a new age for ethereum's public blockchain. 

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